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re:publica 2016: "In this session we will explore how science fiction is important for civic society as it is at the forefront of the freedoms of thought and expression. Science Fiction explores the ludicrous, impossible, unthinkable, and by doing so, it expands the possible and eventually, the plausible, probable and real. We will talk about how taking a viewpoint a bit more detached from current events we are able to see different concepts of society that might seem utopic, but which could provide us with new ideas regarding how to handle or at least understand problems in the real world." Read on » Den Vortrag gibt es auch als mp3 Datei
Auf hochwertig aufgemachte Bücher mit zusätzlichen Illustrationen hat sich die Folio Society aus Lodon spezialisiert. Größtenteils aus dem englischen Sprachraum, darunter auch einige Klassiker der SciFi. "Founded in London in 1947, The Folio Society publishes carefully crafted editions of the world’s finest literature. We believe that great books deserve to be presented in a form worthy of their contents. For nearly 70 years we have celebrated the unique joy to be derived from owning, holding and reading a beautiful printed edition. Beautifully crafted, imaginative editions of the world’s great works of fiction and non-fiction, Folio Society books offer a rich literary experience to readers of all ages. The books we select for publication are timeless – we know they will be enjoyed and appreciated now and in the future. Because each book is considered as an individual object of value in its own right, there is a variety to our aesthetic – the only uniformity is in the quality of every single book."